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Jan 5, 2013

Continuing the Journey

Girl on a hammock

Hey there everyone! I guess I've been hanging and lazing around for too long, something like two weeks or so. First, I'd like to thank you dear readers for visiting this site, and my other site even if I have not been updating both for some time. May I just say that taking a long vacation is really invigorating. In fact, when I am home in the province, my blood pressure seems to be lower than my usual numbers, which often gets me thinking that if I started earning considerably from writing, then I'll probably just work from home.  But that's getting ahead of things.  I'm nowhere near sustaining my daily needs by just blogging hehehe.  

Now it's time to get back on track.  It's actually taking some effort as my mind also took  a vacation.  So I'm easing back slowly into my normal routines and it doesn't help that I still have cough and cold spells in this crazy weather.  We only have two seasons and yet the weather is still having this identity crisis.  I shudder to think what it would be if we have four seasons in a day hahaha!

Okay, before I blab some more, I'll get down to business.  It's customary for a lot of us during the transition from old to a new year to come up with year-enders and highlights and what to expect in the coming months.  I could come up with a list, but I suppose the site map and my list of goals serve that purpose. That's one way of looking back to year 2012 when I have actively taken a health journey.  Summing it up, iHeart Good Health is and will always be about my struggles (and maybe yours too) to living a healthier lifestyle and being the healthiest I can possibly be.  Generally speaking, it's basically about forming more good habits, breaking the bad ones, leveling up the goals, the usual stuff mostly.

To new beginnings?  Probably...but I see it more as a continuous journey of sorts.  After all, health is a lifetime goal, year, after year, after year.  I hope you continue to journey with me.
