LilySlim Exercise days tickers

Oct 2, 2013

{Fit and Strong Day 2}: Warm Up Exercises

I'd be the first to admit that sometimes, in my over eagerness to start with my run or exercise routine, I skip the warm up part. I guess it comes with the feeling that you're just about ready to do anything and plunge right ahead, like you can't be slowed down even by a brick wall. But all fitness experts would definitely say it's not a wise thing to do. Never skip the basics.

We're going a bit elementary here, but why do we need to warm up before any exercise routine? Physiologically, it's to prepare our body for the main workout by first pumping up the circulatory system, getting it revved up, so to speak. Doing this drives the blood to flow faster throughout the body, supplying our muscles and tissues with more oxygen-rich blood. The muscles are then better prepared to handle more stressful or rigorous activities as they become more pliable or less stiff due to inactivity. This way, we don't stress out the body too soon in the workout.

There is really no fixed formula for the warm up routine.  You also get to choose which best works for you. Personally, I just follow the stretch, rotate and light aerobic routine.  The figure below shows the common stretching exercises for the major muscle groups of the upper and lower body.

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During the stretching of a particular body part, I already incorporate the rotation moves, whenever applicable, such neck roll after steps 1 and 2 from above.  

For the light aerobics, I do a few repetitions of jumping jacks, walking lunges, or I jog in place for a few minutes.  

Now we're warmed up and ready to go.  

  • To find other interesting 31 Days series, head on over to the Nesting Place
